Wednesday, September 16, 2009

So ive been very neglectful of my blog again...again my apologies for those trying to keep tabs on me. I promise Im not doing it on purpose...although, sometimes theres just no way to put into words this thats my excuse for now.
I´ve made some accomplishments the past 2 months: finished my CAT (woohoo!!), strengthened relationships, started (kinda) a couple projects, and most importantly.... rode a HORSE!!! There are pics on facebook for those who have not yet heard. Haha, it was probably the highlight of my time here so far...which is probably kinda sad but i dont care, i got to ride a horse! It was fun and I have a standing invitation from my host uncle to come to his farm whenever I want to ride their horses. I am planning on practicing a lot...I even joked with my program manager that, instead of a bike to get around, I want a horse lol. I am still looking into this as a possibility. that I have finished my community assessment, my counterpart and i identified some projects to start, so its just a matter of coordinating and trying to meet, etc. Theres still alot of waiting and not exactly a whole lot to do...trying to be pacient about it all. I did start an English afterschool help at the elementary school (escuela). That has been going on for a couple weeks and has been pretty good....there arent a whole lot of kids and the older ones that have been coming are annoying cause all they want to do is gossip and make fun of each other (but, what do you expect from 12yr olds?). So its a work in progress. Im also working with one of the teachers from the high school (colegio) to start something similar there, though we wont start until october.
The first week of September was IST - in-service training, where all the volunteers from my group (tico 19) came together for a week of trainings and to share our first 3 months at site with one another. It was really great getting to see everyone again, especially those I hadnt seen since may. I also learned that I need to take time for myself now and then... I had been really stressed out about the CAT at the end of August and hadnt really left my site in over month...not a good thing to do. I realized that even if for just a night or two, I need to take time for myself every now and then so I dont get burned out.
I have made a resolution to update my blog more often, so hopefully i will be able to write more about life day to day in San Rafael.

Hope all is well at home....peace :)

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